

What Your Fund Can Do




Non-Qualified Donees

Non-Qualified Donees

How we work

Right now, Aqueduct can make grants to non-qualified donees in furtherance to its charitable purposes in education and the environment. Aqueduct is currently building capacity to enable granting to non-qualified donees with other charitable purposes in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

Non-qualified donees are organizations in Canada and internationally that engage in charitable activities but who do not have registered charitable status with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

Aqueduct has established a policy and process for making grants to non-qualified donees, which is subject to the CRA’s guidance. Each grant and grant recipient is required to be approved separately. Aqueduct also conducts a risk assessment process and requires reporting by grantees.

No. Aqueduct does not have an open public granting program and does not accept unsolicited grant applications.